Arno´s Poem page
Hi, my name is Arno Humblét and i come from Belgium. First I would like to thank to everyone of Erasmus for the change of participating with the project and the life experience that haves been giving.
Gladly I will you show some of my work of poetry but first I will explain why and how i started it. Like many on global scale I had some difficulties while growing up and closed myself as a emptyness inside and a fake smile.
Yet never i will forget the day Erasmus introduced by a class of poetry and where i started and the way they appreciated encouraged me to continue further as it warmth my heart to express feelings and thoughts in making playfully sentences to rhyme. The explanation why i do it is because of my form of autism with a increased sensivity.
I opened my eyes and observe, to see the beauty in every moment of being. The beauty of nature at its best and worst, the beauty of creation and of corse a lady and so i yern to Romanticism Like the very best poets: Shakespeare, wordsworth, edgar. Allan poe, john keats, william blake, dante alighieri. the feeling, the fantasy, the imagination, the intuition, the subconscious, the inexplicable and the enigmatic. to trascent at the finest and pure, trilling and emotionally.
That's why literature is so important to motivate, to give value to nature to a human being, to life itself but above all to explore the mind deeper and open's up like the sun shines for the first time. and this way to bring us further more intellect as before.